Six poems by Claudia Gary

CLAUDIA GARY teaches workshops on Villanelle, Sonnet, Meter, Poetry vs. Trauma, etc., at The Writer’s Center ( and privately, currently via Zoom. Author of Humor Me (2006) and chapbooks including Genetic Revisionism (2019), she is also a health/science writer, visual artist, composer of tonal songs and chamber music, and an advisory editor for New Verse Review. Her 2022 article on setting poems to music is online at See also

What My Heart Is Saying    

A while ago it spoke up

complaining there’s enough

to process here without 

waves scattering new nacre 

on briny sand

or dredging up seaweed 

to glisten then decay

or sending driftwood planks

to scrape at its incline 

or drawing out its words

with undertow

reminding me a harbor

is subject to erosion

susceptible to tides

but also now and then 

to a starfish.

My Story Has No Villain 

Even the stag that stood before your door

and looked me in the eye—making me stop

and wonder, “Should I be elsewhere?”— was not

a villain, may have been my guardian.

And only when I called out, “Let me through!” 

did he stand down. Does our present create 

the future, or does some idea about

our future block a pathway and create

the present, antlers shuffling warm air?

Legato Notes   


Even a flock

of soot-colored grackles

landing on wires

returning to gray clouds

today even this 

is a moment of peace


Let me dissolve

out of the narrative

into the moment

Delicate and strong

my soul is not leaving

but sheltering in a corner


From unmade bed and plenitude of sighs

to turmeric and lack of peppercorns

melisma to staccato

staccato to melisma

a peppercorn for your thoughts

a murmur for your kiss

Song for Today          

With no time for melisma,

a clear syllabic song

becomes the quiet engine

to move this day along

although the singer slumbers.

Today his peaceful heart

rouses within its rhythmic space

to reason and to start

elaborating newly

a song launched years before

and bring it to fruition

despite a time of war.

Una Corda     

To pull away from sound

precipitates a longing

for greater sound.

I build a house of music.

Its cornerstone is silence.

This soft pedal 

divides each tone’s foundation

in half and lets it settle 

into desire.


The room is quiet, warm,

soft voices speaking, sighing,

creating poems and later

music spilling over 

into a performance

that intrigues, overwhelms.

But how to return 

to that quiet room? 

With these words I knock

gently at the door.